Sunday, December 2, 2012

What is All'asta? Read on to see!


that is what it's all about!

I am so excited to get the word about All'asta out there to everyone.  When I first ran across this company at the end of October the concept just blew me away!  I'm a fan of the traditional home party to start with, heck any reason to get together with a group of women, share stories and laugh sounds like a perfect evening to me!  

Then when I found All'asta I was overwhelmed by the idea that a home party could offer even more than just a catalog sale!  These parties give the hostess and guests an opportunity to sell their own items for either profit or for credit to purchase new items from the catalog.

The idea is simple really, invite friends over and ask them to bring up to 3 treasures from their home to auction off during the silent auction part of the party.  The consultant takes care of checking in all the items, helping guests and hostess price their items and then the fun begins.  (Ideas for auction items, purses, accessories, kitchen decor/sm. appliances, holiday items, home decor, yard decor, belts, shoes, books, games, DVD's, antiques, etc...the options are numerous!)

A few pictures of an auction table example.

While guests grab some light refreshments the consultant explains the rules of a 15 minute silent auction. Guests introduce themselves and share one item they brought with them to sell.  Then the auction begins.  Using a pen guests, hostess and even the consultant write down bids that they would be willing to pay for the auction items.  At the end of the auction the consultant shares the fantastic catalog items (that really are of great quality, I can't stop finding things to add to my home from the catalog).  Then while customers shop the catalog and look at the samples the consultant checks the bid sheets and matches up sales with the purchaser and the seller.

Then when guests are ready to check out the consultant can tell them the amount they have earned or owe from the auction.  If the guest has a credit they can choose to use it on catalog items or receive a check for that amount from the company, how many other home parties have you been to where you can choose to walk away with money in your pocket (or mailbox)???  NONE!

Hostesses also receive great rewards from both the auction and the catalog sales!

If you are interested in learning more, please watch the two videos linked below.  

All'asta is still relatively new and will soon be growing fast.  I am interested in building my team with people who love the concept like myself, are motivated to learn and try new things and who are interested in working with me.  I am a great mentor and team player, please contact me if you are interested and would like to discuss this business opportunity, or host a party!

Samantha  971-237-0412 

Video about All'asta

Shop.Sell.HaveFun with All'asta view video

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